Hezbollah and Amal ideology nightmare

An important fact has to be remembered as we recall the victims of Hezbollah and Amal war against neighboring country the state of Israel. More than half of all children in the south and Beirut lived in a critical situation during this destructive war. Meanwhile, the shameful foot-dragging since the war on reconstruction and help to families shows the same lack of interest in solving real problems and saving lives. The Hezbollah and Amal failures before and after the war are linked by common approach to the solemn responsibilities of Hezbollah and Amal, simply put: they aren’t interested in the future of their children and the south. Hezbollah and Amal philosophy means that our government simply will not meet the needs of our people. Not because it’s impossible–but because they don’t believe it should. And so we are left with each Lebanese having to do what he or she can to help. There is too much to be done for individuals acting alone to fix every thing, but until we achieve a change in leadership we all must step up to the plate. One way to do that is by donating to the children’s fund, or the organization that’s working to make sure that the help will reach the right person. While we all take time to reflect and do our small part to help, one thing is clear: The United Phoenician Party offers a new direction. We believe in a government that takes its obligations to the Lebanese people seriously with professional justice, one that always improving the services and protections it provides a government that becomes more efficient as it meets challenges and takes on new challenges with serious commitment. We believe passionately in the responsibility of public service-doing the hard, unglamourous work that comes with solving real problems that impact people’s lives. With the sense of responsibility missing in our leaders today, we find ourselves in deep trouble. To the destruction and lost life in the war-few who have made it safely without losing their love ones or their home. People of Beirut, South and all across the country are feeling the same: “We deserve a really peaceful nation.” To approach better we have to demand to our government with the help of UN the arrest of Hezbollah, Amal and their ally’s leadership. It’s time to react with the pressure to get this bill on the parliament agenda. We cannot let terrorist Hijack our nation anymore, let acts to fight back the political fraud, corruption, abuse, and political conspiracy, are worse than ever. The same discision makers who have destroyed the Lebanese army before in colliding with the wrong force at the wrong time, we see them hiding behind Hezbollah and Amal now with the same result in the war of 1988-1989. Lebanese army don’t have the body armor they will need, small businesses in south, Beirut and across the country is effected by this bad calculation of war. We’ve seen the damage that Hezbollah and Amal lies can do to our country, and enough is enough. The corruption and right-wing ideology of hezbollah and Amal rule has created a double nightmare for the people of the nation. Hezbollah and Amal have created the most expensive damages to the Lebanese people and government in history through their corruption and out -of-control behave, but at the same time they’ve either refused or failed to meet the challenges for peace in middle east, like adequately preparing for disasters like this short term war of highest loses in history of Lebanese war. United Phoenician Party offers new direction to the people who were terrorized by Hezbollah and Amal, one lesson learned over previous war should be clear beyond and doubt you cannot trust Hezbollah and Amal with their small contribution to the highest destruction of war in destroying your homes, villages and the life of lost man, women and children. Hezbollah and Amal will never recover the people who have been killed in the south and Beirut. By pressuring the Hezbollah and Amal to give up this evil policy they are promoting and to give up by surrendering to the Lebanese government for their crimes against you and the unity of the nation. Thank you, The United Phoenician Party www.unitedphoenicianparty.org