
Today Lebanese government collaboration  with Syrian dictatorship and armed  forces   are moving  Lebanon economical and political crisis Syrian regime and Pro-Syrian government creates deep-rooted isolation for Lebanese nation from international political scene, and putting an end to the economical growth in the region. It is the main reason why in  last decade the country has lost investments and  investors, washing away tourism and increasing the immigration of young professionals from the country who have more chances to use their skills and talents in foreign countries with better social structure and human rights. New technologies and modern communication systems are not priorities in governmental economical plan. This shows political shortsighted policy of the government or politically conscious attempt to pull country back from economical and political reforms. Lebanese nation neglected by its own government suffers continuing absent of social guarantees, reforms in health care, education and Law, what deeply divides community into poor and rich, creates corruption and atmosphere of hopeless Instead of creating friendly relations with neighboring countries Lebanese government classifies them into friends and enemies by tolerating one religion and limiting the others already creates tension and enmity in the nation damaging the economy and the future of the young generations. Such government is allowing violent, armed terrorist groups to act against its own people by covering foreign terrorist groups crimes in Lebanon. This is not democracy and such government does not represent the nation of history with democratic tradition on the east cost of the Mediterranean Sea. Thousands, years ago ancestors of Lebanese people on the coast of Mediterranean sea showed an example how democracy and peace brings prosperity into human’s life. Phoenicians were talented traders and creators of region’s new towns and successful economical structure, based on good will and tolerance to other nation’s cultural and religious differences. The spirit of Phoenician nation is still alive today. Lebanese people are capable to create and protect democracy in their country. Occupying power and countries collaborative authority are only two reasons, why prosperity and optimistic future in Lebanon are delayed. Everybody, who cares about this historical Phoenician land join United Phoenician Party and start being active demanding Lebanese government to resign and occupying power to leave Lebanon. New elections to Parliament and President, after withdrawal of Syrian army will begin new era for this modern Phoenician country.