1-Priority for woman as the mother of human race
2-No death penalty for any human being
3-Separation of any religious influence from government
4-Revise a list of national holidays
5-Phoenician territories as a zone of open trade
6-Stimulation of investment for foreign countries(The system of privileges for foreign companies)
7-Development of tourism industry
8-Cultural values belong to state property
9-Create system of privileges for young professionals in provision with jobs
10-Prohibition of any race and religious propaganda in the schools and universities
11-Prohibition of any political activities for terrorist parties and organisations as local or international
12-Prohibition of any assault, harassment, discrimination, and retaliation activities against men, women, and children.
12A-Legalise the civil marriage
1-Withdrawal of all foreign armed forces from the territory of the country
2-Recreation of official diplomatic equal relations with Syria, Israel and entire world (formation of Embassies)
3-Planning an international territory in the capital for the world Embassies including residencies, surrounded with defensive wall and security system.
4-Intensification of foreign trade with the world
5-Complete voting rights for Phoenicians in foreign countries through Embassies
6-Phoenician land the center of the world peace
7-Support for all existing political memberships to the world in addition to the unrecognized ones
1-Reinforcement of defence of frontiers
2-Creation of professional security police to protect against harassment, assault, discrimination, retaliation, and crime
3-Creation of special forces and army to protect boarders,constitution, and government4-Court system responsible for internal order with modern law and huge support of civil right
5-No guns and weapons in the public daily space
6-Court system responsible for employment and unemployment laws
7-No obligation for military service
1-the beach area for community use should increase and the local authorities are responsible for taking care of it and the pollution in general
2-Creation of green areas (parks) with space for pedestrians, families and play grounds for children
3-Limitation for pollution space by managing with strict control for industrial territories and waste including yearly inspection for motor vehicles and recycling industries
4-Penalty law for disturbers (violators) of environmental protection and natural resources
5-Limited distraction of natural landscape, historical territories and natural resources
6-Redesign the urban structure of the cities, towns and planning for new suburban structure between cities and states
7-Prohibit hunting the wild life in the period of their breeding
1-Every citizen has a right to confess and study any type of religion if it is not propagating violence, terrorism, and brute force in the public space
2-Every way of confession shouldn’t disturb the private life of nation and neighbourhood communities
3-Any sound effects and procession disturbing the transportation and public space are prohibited in special cases on daily basis, permit is needed from local authorities.
01-No obligation for army service.
02-No death penalty for any human being.
03-Priority for woman as the mother of human race.
04-Withdrawal of all foreign armed forces from the territory of the country (Palestinian armed groups).
05-Prohibition of any political activities for radical terrorists parties and organizations as local or international.
06-Voting rights for Phoenicians in foreign countries through Embassies.
07-Support for all existing political memberships to the world in addition to the unrecognized ones.
08-Phoenician land the center of the world peace.
09-Legalise the civil marriage.
10- No for honor and hate crimes
11-Reform in government administration system by using three official languages French, English and Lebanese (ID and driving License).
12-Oil drilling immediately and the need to be more independent in energy by using the natural energy resources.