Hezbollah and Amal leadership dumped millions of dollars from their campaign war chests
into their coffers. They answered the call of Syria and Iran who are pressing them to pour
tens of millions into a final push to gam the support of war criminals by toppling the Lebanese
The United Phoenician Party issued his own challenge asking you to help the government
and Lebanese army in order to double the efforts in disarming all illegal arms of terrorists in
Thousands of Lebanese grassroots supporters have already responded. The momentum is
on our side and we need to move forward toward regional peace.
Hezbollah and Amal are leading the dialogue as “a critical opportunity to reverse the damage
done by Hezbollah evil war.
Nabih Berri-who is the speaker of the parliament repeatedly uses obstructionist tactics
including his threat of street confrontations.
What that mean? More assassinations for our freedom and independence.
But we can tell you this: Hezbollah and Amal are wrong on every issue: from their war
against Israel causing the destruction and the death of their own people.
UN and International forces coming into our country to securing our borders from terrorists
operations, drug and arm smugglers.
As we have seen Hezbollah and Amal without doubt they have repeatedly proven to lack the
credibility, nationality and ideas needed to lead the region to peace for the sake and future
of their children.
That’s just the tip of the iceberg. Hezbollah and Amal proudly talk about winning a war
retreating in joining the Lebanese hope for peace, cutting and running from the fact of
disarming as well refusing to join the nation in rebuilding from all wars.
We cannot let the Hijackers to succeed we are a nation trapped in between the evil regimes
of the middle east like Syria and Iran who continues to plot against Lebanon.
The current government is the best way our country can continue to answer threats to our
nation head on.
We have made the tough decisions on keeping our nation safe with little or no support from
Hezbollah , Amal and their allies.
Thank you,
The United Phoenician Party