The dialogue delay justice from arresting war criminals

These are days of decision in the war on our freedom. Today, the leaders of the dialogue to meet with the war criminals leadership enables to decide how to make the new democratically elected government function in the correct way which they believe in. We mean with the war criminal leadership like Amal, Hezbollah and others who were responsible for the bloodshed of our citizens. The progress in their meeting is critical and would have seemed impossible, just a short time ago, Amal leader just came back from Syria. This is a dam proof what is going on here and who is controlling our nation and the dialogue is all about delaying justice in arresting these criminals. Now is the time to stand together to ensure that our job gets done. Sign our message of support for the mission of the people government to reject efforts by the Syrian regime, Iran and terrorist organizations who want to destroy our nation. The struggle with the evil is not easy, Iran and Syria are on the International watch list including Hezbollah and Amal, Enough is. Enough. We understand that victory will come if we stand strong, renew our resolve, and never give in to these assassins. The terrorists tried to destroy our country in the past and present by attacking our cedar revolution leadership-and failed. Then they turned to killing journalists-and failed. They tried to stop the Lebanese people from choosing their own freedom, the newly elected government under constant attacks and they failed each and every time. The celebration in Beirut that greeted the withdrew of Syrian armies and putting an end for their illegal occupation said it all: whatever the challenges, The true Lebanese stand side by side for victory over the terrorism. At home, completing the mission means rejecting craven, polittically-motivated demands for instant relationship with Syria and Iran. Let’s unite and reject this culture of corruption by asking our government to arrest the Hezbollah and Amal leaders. We ask the government to set new commission of public hearing for all war criminals, because Lebanese deserve to see the real democracy and freedom of justice. Think of the message that would send our people and our enemies-at critical time. Sign the message and spread the word Sincerely, The United Phoenician Party www.unitedphoenicianparty.org