What About The Assad, Hezbollah, and Amal

We now know that the Assad personally ordered his intelligence service to get rid of the Cedar revolution Leadership repeatedly the Syrian president directed threats against Lebanese by violating the international law. The UN court is the last line defense against abuses of power like this, and every politician nominee must demonstrate that they will honor their most important responsibility: protecting our rights and freedoms. Hezbollah and Amal will not. During the course of their political career, Hezbollah and Amal has complied a record of looking the other way when abuses of power threaten our basic freedoms. They have deferred to unscrupulous the demand of amnesty to all the south Lebanon army (SLA). They repeatedly failed to protect Lebanese right to vote their own political freedom. They were even the only terrorist voting for Syria to remain in Lebanon and to protect the illegal arms-and to block the search of the Lebanese killers. A broad coalition of groups will deliver this petition to everyone in less than 48 hours. You and we have the chance to push the total over a million if we spread the word. Moderate people who have expressed concern about the domestic situation also have serious questions about Hezbollah and Amal, and an out pouring from ordinary Lebanese could force them to do the right thing and vote against them. Even before the domestic situation story broke, Lebanese parties had expressed concern about Hezbollah and Amal credibility. On everything from their ideological streaks to their rulings in cases where they had a clear conflict of interest, Hezbollah and Amal seems to be willing to say whatever it takes to fight the Cedar Revolution after bragging about their membership in an international terrorism on their school to boost their right –wing credentials, they are now waffling on exactly what their relationship with Syrian regime and Iran was. And they made a promise under oath to the terrorist nations that they would keep their arms where they had a personal financial interest. Across the world more and more people are realizing that if Hezbollah and Amal are disarmed, the impact on our rights and our lives will be felt for generations. Join the drive for a million people calling on the Lebanese government to reject these terrorist groups. Hezbollah and Amal records of currying favor with the Syrian regime and Iran, but it does not qualify them to sit on any seat in Lebanese government, because they don’t represent the Lebanese nation. People who put foreign terrorist interest over the rule of law cannot be trusted to guard our freedoms. Every Lebanese should shudder at the prospect of politicians with a history of ethical lapses and appeasing right –wing extremists getting a lifetime appointment to the highest position in the Cedar land. Send a message to every one now and join the 15 million Lebanese speaking out against this dangerous network. The Lebanese must reject Hezbollah and Amal without any fear. Thank you, The United Phoenician Party www.unitedphoenicianparty.org